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Configuring the IDE

On this page we only discuss configuration that aims to deal with non-standard React Native project setups. If your project has diverged from the Expo or React Native community CLI template, and it doesn't build or run correctly within the IDE, you may need to look into the available options documented below.

When building the IDE, our approach was always to try and deal with different configurations automatically, without user input. However, due to the spectrum of possible modifications to React Native project setups, it is very difficult to do that in some cases. We constantly look into ways of improving things, so if the IDE doesn't work for your setup, please report an issue with a sample project that reproduces the setup that you use. While some project setups (like brownfield projects) are more challenging than other, we want the IDE to be universally available for all types of React Native projects and will investigate the possibilities of expanding configuration options or handling some project modifications in an automated way.

Creating configuration file

Radon IDE uses the standard VS Code launch.json format for customizing build process to your project. Before you can change any of the options you'll need to create launch configuration file, unless you already have one in your project.

If you have the launch configuration file you can move to the next step. Otherwise go to Run and Build panel and click create a launch.json file:

Then, select Radon IDE from the dropdown:

This will create a new file under your workspace directory: .vscode/launch.json – this file should be added to version control (git) as it carries configuration that is specific to your project setup rather than user specific editor settings.

Here is how your launch json file in should look like after this step:

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "radon-ide",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Radon IDE panel",
"ios": {
"configuration": "Debug"
"android": {
"buildType": "debug"

Adding Radon IDE launch configuration (when launch.json file already exists)

This step is only necessary if you already had launch configuration. In that scenario, you'll need to open .vscode/launch.json and add a object the following object to configurations array:

"type": "radon-ide",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Radon IDE panel" // The name could be changed

Make sure there is only one configuration with type radon-ide in your configurations array. See the sample launch.json from the above step to make sure the format of the file is correct.

Customizing launch configuration for Radon IDE

Launch configuration offers a number of options that can be listed when editing the radon-ide entry in VS Code thanks to code completion (IntelliSense). Along with the code completion, a documentation is displayed provided for individual options. Below we list the currently present options

iOS Build configuration

Radon IDE builds your app for both Android and iOS. If you have a custom build scheme configured in your project, and want to use it instead of the default one, you can specify that using ios object in the configuration section. The following attributes can be set within the ios object:

  • scheme - Scheme name (from xcode project) the IDE will use for iOS builds, defaults to xcworkspace base file name.
  • configuration – Build configuration name (from xcode project) the IDE will use for iOS builds, defaults to "Debug".

Here is how the launch configuration could look like with some custom iOS build options:

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "radon-ide",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Radon IDE panel",
"ios": {
"scheme": "AcmeApp",
"configuration": "Staging"

Android build configuration

Much like in the case of iOS, Android can also be configured to use a different target for builds we'd run on the emulator. Similarly, you add "android" entry to the configuration object that currently supports only one attribute:

  • buildType – Android's build type used when building with Gradle, defaults to "debug"
  • productFlavor – Android's product flavor used when building with Gradle, not set by default

Below is an example of how the launch.json file could look like with android variant customized:

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "radon-ide",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Radon IDE panel",
"android": {
"buildType": "debug",
"productFlavor": "staging"

Custom build settings

Instead of letting Radon IDE build your app, you can use scripts (buildScript option) or Expo Application Services (EAS) (eas option) to do it.

The requirement for scripts is to output the absolute path to the built app as the last line of the standard output. If custom fingerprint script is used, it should output fingerprint (a string identifying the build) as the last line of the standard output. When fingerprint changes between invocations, RN IDE will rebuild the project. The IDE runs fingerprint quite frequently (i.e., on every file save), so this process should be fast and avoid over the network communication.

Both customBuild and eas are objects having ios and android optional keys. You can't specify one platform in both custom script and EAS build options.

customBuild.ios and have following structure with optional keys that can be used independently:

  • buildCommand – string, specifies a command used for building.
  • fingerprintCommand – string, specifies a command used for creating fingerprint.


"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "radon-ide",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Radon IDE panel",
"customBuild": {
"android": { "buildCommand": "npm run build:ftp-fetch-android" }
"ios": {
"buildCommand": "npm run build:ftp-fetch-ios",
"fingerprintCommand": "date '+%Y-%m-%d'"

eas.ios and are objects taking keys:

  • profile – required, used for selecting builds suitable for running in simulators.
  • buildUUID – when specified, downloads build using its UUID. It uses latest build otherwise.

Below is an example that replaces iOS and Android local builds with builds from EAS:

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "radon-ide",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Radon IDE panel",
"eas": {
"ios": {
"profile": "development",
"android": {
"profile": "development",
"buildUUID": "40466d0a-96fa-5d9c-80db-d055e78023bd"

Other settings

Here, we list other attributes that can be configured using launch configuration which doesn't fit in any of the above categories:

  • appRoot – Location of the React Native application root folder relative to the workspace. This is used for monorepo type setups when the workspace root is not the root of the React Native project. The IDE extension tries to locate the React Native application root automatically, but in case it fails to do so (i.e. there are multiple applications defined in the workspace), you can use this setting to override the location.
  • env – Environment variables to be passed to all build/run commands that the IDE is launching.
  • metroConfigPath — Path to metro config relative to the workspace. By default it tries to find metro.config.js or metro.config.ts.
  • isExpo — Boolean that can be set to true if IDE doesn't automatically detect the project should use Expo CLI. By default, the IDE tries to detect whether project is Expo-base or based on the React Native community CLI, so in most of the cases this options shouldn't be needed.

Below is a sample launch.json config file with appRoot, metroConfigPath, and env setting specified:

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "radon-ide",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Radon IDE panel",
"appRoot": "packages/mobile",
"metroConfigPath": "",
"env": {
"MY_SECRET_KEY": "bananas"